Spiritual Solutions
Spirituality offer simpler solutions for self-healing and self-transformation
Emotional EnergISATION
Emotions have immense energies and enthusiasm. What we focus on, we amplify
Channelise the Cosmic energies through meditation and visualization techniques
Authentic Ultimate Manifestation
The Power of ‘AUM’ the Authentic and Ultimate way to Manifest What we Want in Life and Work
Access to ancient spiritual and cosmic science by knowing, learning and applying alternative and authentic forms of healing and transformation.
Healthy Happy & Holistic Life
Realistic Remedies
Occultlogy ‘the Study of Occult Science’ leverages the hidden and unknown esoteric process and phenomena that does not fit into science or religion. The idea of “occult sciences” was started around the 16th century and includes things like astrology, alchemy, mystical magic,
tarot, palmistry, numerology, graphology, crystal healing, reiki energy giving, aura reading, vastu, gem and colour therapy, chakra corrections, kundliani energisation and many more divine forms.

Occult Astrology
Study the movements and positions of the nine planets, and stars and understand how their position affect the character and lives of people. Get remedies / correctional tips and techniques for desired results & outcomes.

Occult Numerology
Know and understand the study of the occult significance of numbers and practice the use of numbers and its combinations to tell somebody what will happen in the future and why & how to align them for success.

Occult Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to improve your health or well-being. You may apply essential oils (properly diluted) to your skin through techniques like massage, or choose to inhale the aroma by creating a facial steam or using an essential oil diffuser.

Occult Alternative Remedies
Alternative medicine is used instead of standard medical treatment. One example is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of cancer drugs that are prescribed by an oncologist. Research has been done for application of alternative medicine for health.

Occult Balneotheraphy
Balneotherapy is a type of hydrotherapy. It involves using water or bathing to treat illness, such as a warm bath in the evening, or baths taken in water with altered mineral content. It is commonly used for sleep problems by the general public

Occult Accupressure Remedies
Oriental Remedies aims to restore the body’s balance and harmony between the natural opposing forces of yin and yang, which can block qi and cause disease. Oriental medicine includes acupuncture, diet, herbal therapy, meditation, physical exercise, and massage.
Trusted Testimonials
Trust our expertise and experience for Occultlogy – here’s what our practitioners and clients say:
Graphology is the study of handwriting. Through analysis, graphologists can learn a great deal about a writer. Graphologists can determine personality traits by examining the way a person forms each letter. I’ve seen the results can be helpful in putting together a personal profile.
Anubhav Anand
Graphologist & Signature Expert
Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them, like “Hey, I think I’ve been here before”
Crystals & Gem Stone Expert
“Ask the Universe for What You Want. Every day, you send out requests to the universe—as well as to your subconscious mind—in the form of thoughts.” Believe Your Affirmations and Receive What You Want
Pranic Healer